Our favourite Japan tours and excursions

Japan is where it all began for us. We led our first tour here in the year 2000, and we’ve spent the years since building a network of the very best guides, tour leaders, hoteliers, inn owners, enthusiasts and experts across Japan. 

Group learning taiko drumming in Tokyo

Taiko drumming

Japanese taiko drumming is an all-sensory experience that’ll have your brain and your body racing to keep up. 

Forget marching bands and driving rock beats, taiko is an all-kicking, all-dancing, all-jumping-around endeavour, with tightly choreographed performances including shouts and calls, sweeping arm movements, and other musical accompaniments. Taiko is competitive (Japan’s professional groups perform all over the world), but it’s also incredibly accessible. Join a taiko lesson (dressed in traditional garb) and you’ll find yourself letting loose in no time, throwing in all manner of lunges and flourishes as you get the hang of the basic rhythms. It’s a super-fun way to dive into Japanese culture without feeling like you’re being educated, and it’s particularly great for families. 

Hands are shaping clay on a pottery wheel, cast in a warm light

Traditional craft class and workshop visit

Gone are the days when the only Japanese arts and crafts the West had heard were origami and ikebana flower-arranging.  

In Japan, there is no hierarchy between art and craft. Origami and ikebana are just two drops in a deep ocean, and each of these myriad techniques and practices is treated as an art form. These range from (to name a few) dyeing, weaving and embroidery to ceramics, paper-making, lacquerware, printing, metalworking and calligraphy. Running through much of Japanese craft is a philosophy that imperfections can be beautiful. For instance, in the art of kintsugi, broken pottery is repaired with powdered gold or silver, while sashiko is a type of decorative embroidery used to mend and reinforce fabric. We can arrange one-off workshops in almost any craft imaginable, or, if you’re a real enthusiast, we can organise a deeper dive into a craft, including guided visits to ateliers and even whole trips themed around your passion.

Hands holding cup of green tea

Japanese tea ceremony

Developed and refined over centuries, tea ceremony is intrinsically linked to Japanese concepts of aesthetics, spirituality, nature, the seasons (actually, pretty much everything).  

In fact, the precepts behind tea ceremony run so deep that some Japanese spend a lifetime training to master them — a fact that’s sometimes lost in the myriad tourist “experiences” out there today. A good tea ceremony experience won’t just take you through the motions, it’ll help you understand why. Why a certain utensil is used in a certain season; why the ideal teahouse is rustic and simple; why each movement must be performed just so. Tea ceremony isn’t just a ritual, it’s a meditation on life, and beginning to understand it is the first step towards understanding Japanese culture. One thing’s for sure, you’ll never look at a cuppa the same way again.

Lady assisting Japanese swordsmith banging metal

Visit a Japanese swordsmith

More than a weapon, the Japanese sword is the symbol of loyalty between a warrior and his warlord, the ceremonial tool used in religious rites, and the physical manifestation of the owner’s soul.  

Visit a Japanese swordsmith today and you’ll see one of a dwindling number of masters of this art making katana as they have been for centuries. Watch as he folds and welds the layers of tamahagane steel to yield both strength and flexibility, then curves and polishes the blade — a process that can take weeks. Through an interpreter, you’ll be able to ask about this meticulous operation, the significance of the sword in Japanese culture, and how to tell a katana’s quality. Depending on the stage of the process, you might even get to try your hand yourself. Sword enthusiast or not, it’s hard not to be impressed by such supreme skill and dedication to a centuries-old art that might not survive much longer.

Sumo wrestlers standing in circle at sumo tournament


A sport, an art form and a religious ritual all in one, sumo wrestling is far, far more interesting than the comedic stereotype that made it to the West. 

Did you know, for instance, that sumo wrestlers are not allowed to drive cars, or to wear Western-style clothes? Or that a sumo match is also a religious ritual dating back 1,500 years? Pay a visit to a sumo “stable” — where the wrestlers live and train — with us and you’ll get a glimpse into this strictly regimented way of life. Training begins early in the morning, but wrestlers are also expected to cook, clean and serve their superiors, and to be self-effacing and softly spoken in public. Have us book you a seat at a tournament and you’ll have great fun even if you know nothing of the sport, but go with a guide to keep you up to speed and it’s completely enthralling.

Japanese whisky tasting

Sake and whisky tasting

We all know that Japan is famous for sake, but did you know that it also produces some of the best whisky in the world? 

It probably won’t surprise you that the Japanese treat their booze with the same level of dedication, sophistication and precision that they apply to all areas of life. There’s even a word for it: kodawari, or a relentless devotion to one’s craft. Sake, a fermented rice wine brewed in Japan for centuries, comes in all shapes and sizes (milky, clear, cheap, premium, strong, mild, hot, cold) and offers a palate as subtle and varied as wine. Whisky, meanwhile, has only been produced in Japan since 1923, but it can already compete with Scotch for quality and depth of flavour. You can sample sake on a brewery tour and whisky on a distillery tour, or you can go all out and combine them both (plus cocktails and food pairings) on a fabulously indulgent gourmet tour of Tokyo or Kyoto.