Our favourite Japan tours and excursions

Japan is where it all began for us. We led our first tour here in the year 2000, and we’ve spent the years since building a network of the very best guides, tour leaders, hoteliers, inn owners, enthusiasts and experts across Japan. 

Hands are shaping clay on a pottery wheel, cast in a warm light

Traditional craft class and workshop visit

Gone are the days when the only Japanese arts and crafts the West had heard were origami and ikebana flower-arranging.  

In Japan, there is no hierarchy between art and craft. Origami and ikebana are just two drops in a deep ocean, and each of these myriad techniques and practices is treated as an art form. These range from (to name a few) dyeing, weaving and embroidery to ceramics, paper-making, lacquerware, printing, metalworking and calligraphy. Running through much of Japanese craft is a philosophy that imperfections can be beautiful. For instance, in the art of kintsugi, broken pottery is repaired with powdered gold or silver, while sashiko is a type of decorative embroidery used to mend and reinforce fabric. We can arrange one-off workshops in almost any craft imaginable, or, if you’re a real enthusiast, we can organise a deeper dive into a craft, including guided visits to ateliers and even whole trips themed around your passion.

Illuminated floats at Nebuta Festival in Japan

Japanese festivals

A matsuri festival is a chance to get beyond that famous reserve and meet the Japanese at their wildest.  

These local and regional rituals range from the sublime to the ridiculous, honour everything from gods to penises, and celebrate with sumo tournaments, snow sculptures, historical re-enactments and mountain fires. Nearly every shrine or temple in Japan has its own matsuri, complete with lantern-strung floats, yatai food stalls, traditional dancing, taiko drumming and martial arts performances. It’s a chance for the locals to dress up in their traditional yukata robes and have fun – and boy, do they let their hair down (if you think the Japanese are straight-laced, just head on down to the “naked man” festival). We couldn’t possibly list them all here, but the Awa Odori dance festival on Shikoku and the giant illuminated floats of the Nebuta festival in Tohoku are two of our all-time favourites.

Hands holding cup of green tea

Japanese tea ceremony

Developed and refined over centuries, tea ceremony is intrinsically linked to Japanese concepts of aesthetics, spirituality, nature, the seasons (actually, pretty much everything).  

In fact, the precepts behind tea ceremony run so deep that some Japanese spend a lifetime training to master them — a fact that’s sometimes lost in the myriad tourist “experiences” out there today. A good tea ceremony experience won’t just take you through the motions, it’ll help you understand why. Why a certain utensil is used in a certain season; why the ideal teahouse is rustic and simple; why each movement must be performed just so. Tea ceremony isn’t just a ritual, it’s a meditation on life, and beginning to understand it is the first step towards understanding Japanese culture. One thing’s for sure, you’ll never look at a cuppa the same way again.

Nose of the shinkansen bullet train at a station in Japan

Ride the Shinkansen

Since it first opened in 1964, the Shinkansen has become as synonymous with Japan as Mount Fuji, sumo and sushi. 

Other countries may now have faster high-speed rail (Shanghai’s Mag-Lev, we’re looking at you) but there’s still nothing quite like the experience of riding the Japanese bullet train. As you settle into your comfortable seat and watch the landscape whip past, you’ll feel barely a shake or a rattle to indicate that you’re travelling at 240-320 kph. Impeccably dressed conductors and car attendants bow as they enter and exit each carriage, and instead of dry sandwiches and overpriced coffees, the refreshment trolley brings with it beautifully presented bento lunchboxes, chilled beers and sake. Plus, it makes connecting amazing places across Japan a total breeze. What’s not to love? 

Group of Japanese ladies wearing colourful kimonos

Kimono wearing

If you think you’re a bit old to play dress-up, hear us out. Donning a Japanese kimono isn’t a tourist gimmick: it’s a timeless ritual whose layers, knots and patterns all have a story to tell. 

A kimono can be playful or serious, formal or informal, exquisitely simple or phenomenally ornate. It can come in all manner of patterns and materials, and reveal things about age, status, season and occasion. Light yukata robes are worn at bathhouses or summer festivals, simple kimono are worn to tea ceremonies or ikebana classes, and the most formal are reserved for weddings. We understand a hesitancy around treating traditional costume as fancy dress. That’s not what this is. Whether you choose to try one at your hotel, before a tea ceremony, or in a photographer’s studio, it’s about understanding the significance behind the beauty of Japan’s national dress. Plus, we can guarantee you won’t have felt this elegant in a while. 

People playing video games in arcade in Tokyo

Insider day

Whether your interest is in architecture, Zen Buddhism or Japanese video games, our insiders are passionate enthusiasts who’ll take you deep into the history and culture of Japan. 

We often say that Japan is the best country in the world to get lost. In two seconds flat, you’ve made a new friend, discovered a cool bar, or happened on a beautiful temple without a tourist in sight. We love those experiences, but there’s only so far you can get on a wing and a prayer (and no Japanese). To really get beneath the surface, you need a little help — and that’s where our insiders come in. Our team of expert guides, they’ve dedicated their careers to unravelling the secrets of Japan for visitors, steeping themselves in the culture like soy-marinated eggs. They’re walking, talking guidebooks — but they’re also some of the most fun people we know, so get ready for an unforgettable day.