Introducing our interactive Explore Vietnam guide!

Explore Vietnam guide screenshot

We're always looking for new and innovative ways to introduce the delights of Vietnam and its neighbours to the intrepid travellers out there, and we're excited to show off our brand new, fun and interactive Explore Vietnam guide!

Click on the link above or on the icon on our website homepage as shown below and you'll be transported to a handy map of Vietnam, where you can explore the country and pick out the places that appeal most to you, whether you're looking for culture and cuisine, relaxation or exciting activities.

Explore Vietnam guide screenshot

Click on the theme that grabs your interest and a selection of our favourite spots across the country will appear - just click on any tab for pictures and a description of these fantastic destinations.

At the bottom of the page you'll also find a handy month-by-month guide to Vietnam's weather - a vital consideration when planning your trip.

We hope this simple planning tool helps to both inspire and inform, and we're always here at the end of the phone to help take your plans to the next stage. We know our stuff and we can help you too!