The people of Burma | Photoblog

Burmese People

Sara Pretelli is a travel photographer and videographer who regularly works with Inside Asia Tours on projects across Japan and Southeast Asia. Sara recently headed out to Burma with travel consultant Charlotte, where they explored some of the country's most famous sites and ventured south into its lesser-known, undeveloped regions. You might remember the wonderful video she produced on her travels (if you don't, you can see it here) - but she was also busy snapping away, taking photographs of the stunning landscapes and people of Burma.

Though all of her photos are beautiful, we think you'll agree that Sara has a particular talent for portraiture: bringing out the personality of her subjects no matter what their age or background. And since Burma has a (well-deserved) reputation for being one of the world's friendliest countries, it's no surprise that she came back with so many excellent photos! Below is a collection of some of her best shots from across Burma - enjoy!

Burmese People
Burmese People
Burmese People
Burmese People
Burmese People
Burmese People
Burmese People
Burmese People
Burmese People
Burmese People
Burmese People
Burmese People
Burmese People
Burmese People
Burmese People
Burmese People
Burmese People
Burmese People
Burmese People

Sara and Charlotte visited Bagan, Bago, Golden Rock, Inle Lake, Hpa An and Mawlamyine on their recent trip to Burma. If you're interested in following in their footsteps, our Kipling's Burma itinerary closely mirrors their trip, introducing you to modern Myanmar through the lens of colonial history. Alternatively, we offer a range of Small Group Tours, on which you can explore Burma with a group of like-minded people - or one of our expert travel consultants can tailor a trip to suit your exact budget, interests and timeframe.
