Honeymoon in Vietnam: Your adventures


Megan and her (now) husband had always longed to visit Vietnam, so we were delighted to help plan their honeymoon and make sure they didn't miss a thing there. Was it worth the wait? In her words: "I was excited to travel around Vietnam, but didn’t expect to fall in love with the country as much as I did".

Honeymoon in Vietnam


My husband and I have wanted to visit Asia for a long time, and our honeymoon seemed like the perfect excuse! Having heard lots of wonderful stories from friends who had been to Vietnam, we set our sights on 10 days traveling from the south to the north of the country.

Taking off

As someone who’s not a keen flier it was a relief to have such a smooth journey, with only one stop in Singapore (which is such a gorgeous airport) before arriving in Ho Chi Minh City. We caught up with a friend who works in the city, before meeting our guide, Thang. He was very helpful and a mine of information about the area - we actually got on so well that we’ve stayed in touch.

Charming Hoi An

As we made our way up the country, we stopped off for a few days in Hoi An. With its beautiful old buildings and twinkly lantern festival, this soon became our favorite place. The town is known for its world-class tailors, so we had clothes made here – a different kind of souvenir!

In the evenings we discovered some brilliant restaurants - I love Vietnamese food in England, but the real thing was even more delicious - and after busy days we slept well at the Almanity Spa and Resort. With daily massages and Tai Chi in the afternoon, we left Hoi An feeling calm and happy.


The caves of Halong Bay


On the north coast, we spent a night on Halong Bay and woke up early to explore the caves. This truly was a once in a lifetime experience. The rain poured, and we experienced lots of thunder and lightning, but it just added to the atmosphere. I was excited to travel around Vietnam, but didn’t expect to fall in love with the country as much as I did.

5 honeymoon experiences in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos

Top tips for a honeymoon in Vietnam

Mekong Delta

If I was to give one piece of advice to those thinking of going, it would be: don’t think about it, JUST GO! Other (more practical) advice would be to drink lots of water to stay hydrated in the humidity, respect the beautiful culture, and learn a few phrases to chat to the locals - they really seem to appreciate it.

It's the most wonderful country that I've ever visited and I loved every minute. Now it’s time to plan our next trip!

Megan and her husband took a fully tailored honeymoon in Vietnam. Get in touch with our Vietnam experts to find out more.

This article featured in the spring issue of East magazine. Sign up to receive your FREE copy through the post, twice a year.