Culture on the beaches of Burma

Burma Beach

Ngapali palms

Burma has a whole lot to offer in the form of beautiful countryside and culture, but it is not known for its beaches...but it should be!

A little beach

I wouldn't class myself as a beach person really, but soon after flying into little Ngapali airport, it's hard not to appreciate the tropical surroundings. As the 'season' had only just begun...that day in fact (October-May) - it was a bit of a gamble in terms of getting some sun, but Burma, the Bay of Bengal and Ngapali's beautiful beaches didn't dissapoint.

Burma beaches

Having said that I'm not really a beach person, after travelling around this  country and soaking up all the amazing mountains, lakes, cities, villages, towns, jungles, temples, food, experiences and lovely people that this place has to offer, I was really quite ready for a bit of R&R on the beach.

Empty beaches

Vast empty swathes of soft sand and lovely warm ocean are ripe for relaxation too. There's nobody on the beach hassling you to buy wooden elephants, croaking wooden frogs, drums and likes. You might meet the lady selling fruit every couple of hours, but if you don't want any, she'll give you a smile and walk off - That's how it should be. Nice and relaxing.

Fishing boat

If you don't want to sit back and relax, you don't have to. Burma is one huge cultural adventure. Like all towns, there are small local cafes and restaurants to enjoy a drink at or a good bit of fresh fish. There are also plenty of small fishing villages around (well there is plenty of ocean to fish in) to visit and have a nose around to get an idea of how the locals live their lives. Take a one hour boat ride to Muang Shwe Lay (or a three hour drive along the peninsular if you prefer?!) which is a welcoming  small community on the edge of palms and the beach.

Take a local cab...


Visit the local monastery and its 90 something 'local celeb' head monk...

The main man

Enjoy a coconut and some food at a local home...


Or just get back in the sea...

Bay of Bengal

Like the rest of Burma, everyone is pretty friendly and welcoming. There are no hidden agendas and people just want to say, "hello" or "mingalabar"...that's all - very refreshing. Ngapali is the perfect way to unwind at the end of Burmese adventure. There isn't much to it really. Ngapali is beautful and unspoilt. I hope it remains that way.

I am not a Burma expert, but my expert colleagues will want to remid you that if you go to Ngapali out of season (June-October), you should expect constant rain...generally warm rain, but pretty much non-stop rain. In season, it's the perfect place (October - June).

Sun setting

The 'Classic Burma' itinerary includes a few days of relaxation in Ngapali which can also be included in any tailored trip to Burma.