Love Food: Central Vietnam

Green papaya salad

We were already hooked on Vietnamese food, but as we've travelled south down to Hue and Hoi An the meals are just getting better and better. No offence to the north, but in Hoi An especially everything just seems soooooo fresh and now with a little extra chilli. We are officially in culinary heaven and definitely love food in central Vietnam!

My new favourite: green papaya salad

Meat skewers. The waitress showed us how to roll the meat up in rice paper with the green leaves, rice and chilli sauce.

Crab meat. We opened the huge menu to the page marked 'Hoi An specialities' and ordered all of them. A trusty method we think!

'White roses'. Little parcels filled with squid.

Curry hot pot with huge tiger prawns.

Tom's favourite vegetable of all time: Morning Glory, aka water spinach fried with garlic.

Delicious stuffed squid and rice crackers. Nom nom nom...